Dr. Gena Gray has been practicing OB/GYN in Tulsa for twenty-one years. She has touched the lives of thousands of women within northeastern Oklahoma. Having grown up in the small town of Stilwell, she has a strong identity with family and understands the importance of couples making the leap into parenthood. As the mother of four children, she realizes firsthand the challenges and blessings of starting a family.
Dr. Gray is very proud to have had the privilege of delivering two generations for some families. Her intent is to practice cutting-edge medicine while creating a relaxed, pleasant experience for her patients. She is typically a laid-back physician, but occasionally she will give specific recommendations that need to be followed.
Gena graduated from Northeastern State University in 1985. She later attended the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine and completed her residency at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas. During her residency, she married Doctor Paul Gehring who also practices at OB/GYN Specialists of Tulsa. She and Paul enjoy music, traveling, and keeping their four children on a level path.
Like most mothers, her interests include those of her family. Having two boys and two girls has allowed her to volunteer for almost every school activity possible. She constantly strives to make the community and school programs better; not only her children, but those of her peers as well.