Dr. Shepherd was born in Tulsa as Sarah Elizabeth McCullough Luthey. She graduated from Cascia Hall. Sarah earned her Bachelor degree in Arts and Letters from the University of Oklahoma. She graduated Summa Cum Laude from the honors college while studying English, philosophy, history, and foreign language. Additionally, she was named a member of Phi Beta Kappa’s Honor Society.
She attended Oklahoma State University’s College of Osteopathic Medicine and completed her internship and residency in OB/GYN at the University of Oklahoma.
Dr. Shepherd has been active in the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists as a junior fellow serving as vice chair and chair of the Oklahoma section. She has spent time lobbying in Washington D.C. for the rights of Oklahoma women with ACOG. Additionally, she has done international medical mission work in Nicaragua. She truly understands the quality of healthcare that we are afforded in the United States.
Dr. Shepherd has won many awards. She was recognized nationally by her college sorority for leadership with the Mary Love Collins Award. She was awarded the Alumni Association Award during graduation from medical school for outstanding leadership, scholarship, and commitment to the community. Sarah won the Crimson Apple Teaching Award for outstanding resident during her intern year and the Golden Apple Award as an intern and forth-year resident. Moreover, she won the second place prize for her research paper on the stressors associated with in-patient antepartum care during the Annual Resident Research Day. In May of 2015, Dr. Shepherd won the prestigious Rookie of The Year Award given out by the Oklahoma Osteopathic Association.
Sarah and her husband, Scott, who is also a physician, have a daughter and a son. As a patient, she experienced the challenges of preterm labor and was admitted into the hospital on bed rest and delivered prematurely. Her daughter spent time in the NICU, and thankfully she is a healthy, sprite, young girl. She has since had a healthy, young boy at term, after surgery during the pregnancy. She feels that these personal experiences have created empathy and compassion that she can pass on to her patients. In her spare time, she enjoys running and lives in a house divided by her beloved Sooners and her husband’s Cowboys.